
List of Vows is not comprehensive, merely lists some of the more common vows. For fuller description of the ones listed, please see the Neophicon's chapter on Monkly Vows. Vows are not mandatory to be taken, as in a number of other religions, but purely optional. They are not meant to mold an individual into some mold they do not feel comfortable, but more for an individual to express their own personal values and to help them hone them, and be recognized for them in a public manner.
Vow NameSymbolDescription
The Vow of the Great WorkThe vow of the great work is to continue to make effort towards the great work where ever possible. The great work is the goal of an end to death, both present, future, and the past retroactively if science shows such a thing is possible, and to prevent (or if not possible, escape) the end of the universe for as much life as possible (preferences in order of sapient life, sentient life, complex life, all life).
The Vow of LifeʘA Vow to protect and/or improve the the goodness (as per the Neophatic equation) of life. (preferences in order of sapient life, sentient life, complex life, all life.)
The Vow Of CelibacyXThe vow of Celibacy recognizes the needs of others to not be pressured by sexual desires. A person who has taken a vow of celibacy does not have sex.
The Vow Of FriendshipThe vow of Friendship recognizes that connections between all are valuable, and vows never to turn down the friendship of another, nor break said friendship, and to continually seek out new friendships (within reason), especially to be friends with those who have none.
The Vow Of FreedomϽA person who has taken the vow of freedom shall act to insure that none shall oppress another except to prevent greater oppression.
The Vow Of PromiscuityThe vow of Promiscuity recognizes the needs of others to have a safe outlet for sexual desires. A person who has taken a vow of promiscuity does not turn down sex, except in such a case where it would be unsafe for the participants.(Normal precautions such as birth control, contraceptives, condoms, etc. are encouraged).
The Vow Of KnowledgeλA person who has taken the vow of knowledge will always pursue a path of gaining knowledge, and encourages others to gain knowledge in as respectful of way as possible.
The Vow Of HeterosexualityA person who has taken the vow of Heterosexuality endeavors to specifically pursue sexual relationships with people of a different gender.
The Vow Of PansexualityA person who has taken the vow of Multisexuality endeavors to specifically pursue sexual relationships regardless of gender.
The Vow Of AsexualityA person who has taken the vow of Asexuality endeavors to specifically not pursue sex in any romantic relationships.
The Vow Of Homosexuality⚢ or ⚣A person who has taken the vow of Homosexuality endeavors to specifically pursue sexual relationships with people of the same gender.
The Vow Of MascgenderA person who has taken the vow of Mascgender endeavors to be perceived by a masculine identity.
The Vow Of FemgenderA person who has taken the vow of Multisexuality endeavors be perceived by a feminine identity.
The Vow Of Nongender-conformanceA person who has taken the vow of Nongender-Conformance endeavors to not be percieved as masculine or feminine.
The Vow Of BalanceA person who has taken the vow of Balance endeavors to maintain balance in all things they do.